So nice to see my glitter pears included in this moodboard on Polka Dot Bride – Thank you!
Some of my Styling for Retreat HomePhotography: Sussie Bell Styling Assistant/Model: Charlotte Love A while back I had a lovely few days shooting Retreat Home’s A/W11 Catalog in a fab
Issue 8 of Mollie Makes just arrived – so excited to see Lovely Jeanette Lunde of Fryd & Design, gorgeous 2012 Calendar free with the Issue! Jeanette has such a
A few images I styled for Tesco Christmas 2011 Range Tesco Christmas 2011 Range – Available in Stores & Online NowPhotography by Sussie Bell
Happy Weekend Everyone! XCredits:- 1. Untitled, 2. Roses, 3. wood & wool stools richa, 4. like a tattoo, 5. Lối hoa, 6. Ribbons, 7. a dottie angel book…, 8. Summer
I’m delighted to announce Romantic Style has now been published in Finnish by Publishers WSOY. My 1st book Bazaar Style was also published in Finnish – Löytöjen koti * VERY
Photograph by Sussie Bell I’ve been so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Pre-Orders my new book Homespun Style (Ryland Peters & Small) has already received – Big Thanks to
A little while ago my Favorite Norwegian Magazine KK asked me to contribute to a feature where they asked four Stylist’s for their Top Interiors Trend Forecast… So of course