So pleased and excited to have my latest book Homespun Style featured in the Aug 2012 Issue of LivingEtc Magazine and to be interviewed for the contributors page! The 7 page Summer Colour article included 6 images from the book with photography by Debi Treloar, words by Joanna Simmons and includes ideas from the lovely homes of Fi, BlueBellGray, the Norwegian homes Tove of lykkeoglykkeliten blog, and Ingrid of Fjeldborg blog, plus a Decorating The Look page with lovely Homespun, wallpapers, trimmings, paint and fabric recommended by LivingEtc to get the look.
This was such a great issue! I was so happy to grab a copy while visiting London and thrilled to see you in there! Congrats!!
off to get my copy. Loved your book, very inspiring, fingers itching to make lots of flowery goodness now!! Heather