This Sat my Book Tour is taking me to my most favorite boutique in Leicester Powder Blue, they are hosting a wonderful Garden Party to celebrate the launch of my latest book Selina Lake Outdoor Living…
We’d love you to come along to this free event from 12-3pm this Sat, you will be served complementary delicious Belvoir Fuit Farms drinks and the 1st ten customers to buy a copy of my new book will also receive a fabulous goodie bag featuring Floral Fiesta Mexican bunting from Talking Tables, Thompson & Morgan Wild Flower Seeds and lots more surprises. Knighton Flowers will also be there with a pop up Flower Stall and Heart Vintage UK (one of Powder Blue suppliers) has made very special and totally gorgeous upcycled candles in a teacup which would be a perfect accessory for your own garden parties or outdoor celebrations. I will of course be on hand to sign copies of my books and to chat about my inspirations behind my latest book Selina Lake Outdoor Living …. and if that’s not enough fun Powder Blue will also have a bric-a-brac stall and lots of special offers inside the store… Hope to see you there .. details below!
If you can’t make it along follow all the action and prettiness on the day via Instagram @selinalake @powderbluepics #Selinalakebooktour
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